Contact us
Audience Research and Insight
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD
+44 (0)20 7942 5000
The Audience Research team seek to continually improve our visitor experience and ensure that the Museum's activities benefit a wide range of audiences.
We carry out evaluation for most of our exhibitions, activities and programmes, and work collaboratively with partners to research the learning that has taken place.
Consulting directly with our visitors helps inform the Museum's strategic planning using an evidence-based approach, and ensures that our visitors are at the heart of important decisions.
Literature reviews
- Biodiversity PDF (1 MB)
- The impact of meeting scientists PDF (419KB)
- Nature of science terms PDF (434KB)
- Adaptation PDF (6 MB)
- Disconnect from nature and its effect on health and well-being PDF (4.23 MB)
- Evolution PDF (371 KB)
- Sustainability PDF (633 KB)
- Deep time PDF (4.4. MB)
Evaluation of activities and events
Our methods
Our evaluation studies take place at different stages in the life cycle of exhibitions, programmes and digital activities, and encompass three main types of studies.
Front-end evaluation
Front-end evaluation occurs during the development phase of an exhibition, event or other activity. It helps us gauge audience interest levels and prior knowledge about a subject. Front-end evaluation helps us develop stories, goals, communication messages, learning outcomes and interpretative strategies.
Formative evaluation
Formative evaluation happens during development and production phases. It is used to help test exhibition components (using prototypes, for example) such as text, instructions, graphics and usability, as well as the specific communication messages and learning outcomes. Formative evaluation allows key findings to be incorporated into the project.
Summative evaluation
When an exhibition, programme or digital activity is up and running, we carry out summative evaluation to understand the learning that has taken place and the impact of specific design features.
Audience research and COVID-19
We are examining what impact the pandemic has had on the attitudes and behaviours of audiences.
Learning research agenda
Find out about our series of seminars to develop a learning research agenda for education in UK museums.