Jurassic Oceans: Monsters of the Deep

Exhibition on display at the Field Museum, Chicago

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If you are a venue interested in hiring and displaying this exhibition at your site, please get in touch with one of our Exhibition Partnerships Managers.

Earth's oceans have been home to some of the largest, fiercest and most successful predators ever to exist.

Visitors will discover the remarkable evolution and ecosystems of these great underwater creatures. They will step back in time to experience life beneath the waves and come face-to-face with ferocious hunters and their prey, as they were millions of years ago during the Jurassic period.

Striking specimens, including fully articulated 3D models and life-size casts from the Natural History Museum's collections, will show the predators of the Jurassic seas in their natural habitats and tell the story of how they adapted to survive. The exhibition is an immersive experience, displaying dramatic CGI, 3D printed objects, artificial skins and interactive elements.

Exhibition schedule

Now closed: Field Museum, Chicago, USA.

Future exhibition stops to be announced.

More information

For more information about the exhibition, download the Jurassic Oceans: Monsters of the Deep brochure PDF (1.5MB).



Developed as a fully turnkey exhibition designed to fit between 750 sqm/8,000 sqft and 1,000 sqm/11,000 sqft.

  • Over 90 key original specimens from the Natural History Museum’s collection of 9 million fossils, including complete, fully articulated fossil skeletons of marine reptiles with bespoke mounts
  • 12 casts, models and touchable objects
  • Setworks, display cases and AV equipment
  • 11 Films, atmospheric sounds and CGI
  • Three digital and hands-on interactives
  • Graphic panels and labels in American English and Spanish
  • Accompanying educational material for children aged 6 to 11 years
  • Related retail and publishing products available as an optional extra
  • Installation by the Natural History Museum team with support from local team
A screenshot of an interactive experience labelling the bones of an Ichthyosaur

Ichthyosaur discovery on a monitor

A photo of a fossilised Ichthyosaur

Ichthyosaur fossil

An illustration of a prehistoric ocean animal surrounded by small fish under the sea

Paleoart of Leedsichthys

A model prehistoric animal from the Jurassic Oceans exhibition

Replica Long-necked Plesiosaur

Part of the interactives from the Jurassic Oceans exhibition

Graphic walls and text panels in the exhibition

View the exhibition trailer

Preview the exhibition’s educational film

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Email us at touring@nhm.ac.uk to find out more about hiring an exhibition from the Museum.

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