Metallogenesis of central Asia: an introductory short course

New dates to be announced soon, please check back for updates on the Museum's training and development courses.

An introduction to the large-scale geology of central Asia and its metal endowment.

About the course

This course will focus on the territories of Kazakhstan, Kyrgzystan, Uzebekistan, Mongolia, north-west China and the southern Urals of Russia. The emphasis will be on the geology and deposit of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The deposit focus will be porphyry-style mineralization, VHMS, skarns, sedimentary copper and a variety of gold deposits.

The course is suitable for exploration geologists of all levels wishing to gain insights in to the metallogenesis and exploration potential of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.

Attendees will gain an understanding of:

1. the tectonic units and their ages in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt

2. the palaeo-arc systems preserved within the CAOB

3. the mineral commodities of the CAOB

4. the main epochs of mineralization in the CAOB

5. the deposit types located within the CAOB and their deposit models

6. the mineral potential of the CAOB

7. the Centre for Russian and Central EurAsian Mineral Studies' Central Asia GIS

8. the Natural History Museum's Altaids data set

Course delivery

The course will be delivered at the Natural History Museum by members of the Centre for Russian and Central EurAsian Mineral Studies. It will use selective case studies and draw upon the CERCAMS Central Asia GIS and the Altaids data set. The sessions will be illustrated with sample materials from the Museum's collection. Course attendees will be provided with course notes and a certificate of attendance for CPD purposes.


Contact the Training and Development team on +44 (0)207 942 6182 or email us.