Collections, data and services
Find out how you can access our world-renowned collections as well as our data, library, labs and other science facilities.
From exploring the biodiversity of the deep ocean and the origins of our solar system to tackling climate change and achieving food security, explore our vast research portfolio.
ALIENinSoil: Sequencing soil microorganisms
Amphibian disease and conservation
Antarctic marine biodiversity and climate change
Bio+Mine: Biodiversity positive mining for the net zero challenge
Biodiversity in deep-sea mining exploration areas
Body size variation in Quaternary mammals
Bryozoan endoparasite evolution
Bryozoan skeletal mineralogy and ocean acidification
Carbonatites from Calatrava in Spain
Central America conservation tools
Centre for Russian and Central EurAsian Mineral Studies (CERCAMS)
Chironomids as environmental indicators
Ciliate taxonomy and diversity
Coevolution of plants and soils
Convergent evolution of anguilliform elongation
Copepod colonisation and parasitism
Cryptic diversity in green lacewings
DEEPEND: Deep-ocean resources and biodiscovery
Deep Sea ID: an app from the World Register of Deep-Sea Species
Deep-sea systematics and ecology
Dinosaur and plant coevolution
Ecosystem response to environmental change
Environmental change in UK freshwater systems
European Space Agency: exploration sample analogue collection and curation facility
Evolution and development of vertebrate structures
Evolution and taxonomy of African elephants
Evolution and taxonomy of Asian elephants
Evolution of animals at deep-sea hot springs
Evolution of colour and vision in marine invertebrates
Evolution of the snake visual system
Evolutionary convergence in Solanaceae
EXCALIBUR: soil biodiversity in horticulture
Extinction of large mammals in the Late Quaternary Ice Age
Mafic and ultramafic rocks in southern Mexico
Mammoth evolution as a model for species origins
Mantle evolution of southern Patagonia
Manual of afrotropical diptera
Micrometeorites to explore atmospheric composition and climate change through geological time
Micropalaeontology research opportunities
(Mis)Conceptions: A Cultural History of Pregnancy Indeterminacy
Morphological development and evolution of bony fishes
Naked snakes of the North Eastern Region of India
Origins of marine biodiversity
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
Passerine bird evolution and biogeography
Pathways to Ancient Britain: pioneering populations
Pathways to Ancient Britain: successful colonisers
Find out how you can access our world-renowned collections as well as our data, library, labs and other science facilities.
We offer a range of Masters courses and PhD research projects in partnership with other leading institutions and universities.
More than 300 scientists work across the Museum, including in our collections, library and archives and facilities.