The Natural History Museum microbiology collection includes extant protozoan protists.
The microbiology collection of extant protozoan protists comprises mainly microscope slides but also small numbers of registered specimens in spirit, embedded in resin (i.e. as transmission electron microscope (TEM) blocks, ultrathin sections), on Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) stubs, as photographic material (35mm slides), or as cryopreserved material in the molecular collection facility.
The Garnham collection comprises of 1,023 slides with representative specimens of over 200 species including malarial parasites and other haemosporidia of mammals, birds and reptiles with a significant number of type specimens.
The Protozoa and ambiregnal groups (e.g. dinoflagellates), are held in the phycology collection of the algae, fungi and plants division.