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Books on British bumblebees


Goulson D. 2010 [2nd ed.]. Bumblebees, behaviour, ecology, and conservation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. x+317 pp.


Edwards M, and Jenner M. 2009 [2nd ed.]. Field guide to the bumblebees of Great Britain & Ireland. Eastbourne: Ocelli. 108 pp.


Benton T. 2006. Bumblebees, the natural history & identification of the species found in Britain. London: Collins. xi+580 pp.


Feltwell J. 2006. Bumblebees. Marlham: Wildlife Matters. 58 pp.


Macdonald M, and Nisbet G. 2006. Highland bumblebees: distribution, ecology and conservation. Inverness: Highland Biological Recording Group. 53 pp.


Edwards M, and Jenner M. 2004. Field guide to the bumblebees of Great Britain & Ireland. Eastbourne: Ocelli. 108 pp.


Pinchen BJ. 2004. A pocket guide to the bumblebees of Britain and Ireland. Lymington: Forficula Books. 62 pp.


Goulson D. 2003. Bumblebees, their behaviour and ecology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ix+235 pp.


Macdonald M. 2003. Bumblebees. Battleby: Scottish Natural Heritage. 35 pp.


O'Toole C. 2002. Bumblebees. Rothley: Osmia Publications. [2]+52 pp.


Benton T. 2000. The bumblebees of Essex. Wimbish: Lopinga Books. viii+180 pp.


Matheson A ed. 1996. Bumble bees for pleasure and profit. Cardiff: International Bee Research Association. 47 pp.


Prys-Jones OE, and Corbet SA. 1991 [2nd ed.]. Bumblebees. Slough: Cambridge University Press. 92 pp.


Sladen FWL. 1989 [republished]. The humble-bee, its life history and how to domesticate it, with descriptions of all the British species of Bombus and Psithyrus. Woonton (Herefordshire): Logaston Press. xxvii+273 pp.


Prys-Jones OE, and Corbet SA. 1987. Bumblebees. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 86 pp.


Alford DV. 1978. The life of the bumblebee. London: Davis-Poynter. 80 pp.


Alford DV. 1975. Bumblebees. London: Davis-Poynter. xii+352 pp.


Free JB, and Butler CG. 1959. Bumblebees. London. xiv+208 pp.


Sladen FWL. 1912. The humble-bee, its life history and how to domesticate it, with descriptions of all the British species of Bombus and Psithyrus. London: MacMillan. xiii+283 pp.



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