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Find species by colour-pattern group
Click on the bee that most closely matches the pale-band pattern for a black-tailed bumblebee (A0). 'Pale bands' refer to the most anterior dorsal transverse bands of hair of any colour other than black, and where the band must cover parts of the body other than the 'tail' or head.

pale band white
041 ephippiatus1 042 senex1 043 asiaticus wilmattae2
pale band yellow
031 (click here)8 033 (click here)28 034 (click here)10
pale band brown or orange or red
023 breviceps haemorrhoidalis trifasciatus3 024 consobrinus diversus longipes melanurus opulentus pascuorum6
pale band olive
013 flavifrons1 014 funerarius infrequens2
pale band absent (black)
000 (click here)15
  pale bands absent 1 pale band only,
on abdomen
1 pale band only,
on part of thorax
at least 2 pale bands,
on thorax, or
on thorax and abdomen
all pale,
at least on thorax

Numbers beside the colour-pattern diagrams show the numbers of species in each colour-pattern group. When you move the mouse over a colour-pattern diagram, either it lists the species with that pattern, or if the species form a significant geographical colour group, then it shows the group code. Clicking on these groups links to the pages on the group. This colour-pattern classification was derived using workers alone and therefore excludes Psithyrus.


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