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  Colour-pattern group 143 white (workers only)
red-tailed white bumblebees with black between the wings
colour-pattern classification group 143 white
Back to colour groups Number of species where present in this colour pattern within equal-area (611,000 km²) grid cells with an equal-interval grey scale. The colour pattern shown is closest to the modal pattern for the group.
20 species


Examples of group pattern variation:
(Colour-pattern variation within the group is less than variation between groups.)



avinoviellus Md.
margreiteri Md.
handlirschianus Md.

pomorum Th.
ruderarius Th.
sylvarum Th.
mlokosievitzii Th.

mirus Pr.
brodmannicus Pr.


tunicatus Bo.

wurflenii Ag.
kashmirensis Ag.


pyrosoma Ml.
keriensis Ml.
incertus Ml.
sichelii Ml.
lapidarius Ml.


asiaticus Sb.
niveatus Sb.


cullumanus Cu.



research publications | books on British bumblebees | links and credits


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