Activity: Dinosaur challenge with MC Grammar

Your class joins MC Grammar as he investigates the Natural History Museum and finds out about dinosaurs.

  • Key Stage: KS2
  • Time required: Video - 15 minutes in total. Quiz and dinosaur rap activity: 10-15 minutes

Dinosaur: True or Poo!

Can you work out if these statements are true or poo (false)?

The class can give a thumbs up if they think true or thumbs down if they think poo.

  • All dinosaurs lived at the same time
  • Pterodactyls are dinosaurs
  • Dinosaurs had upright legs, other reptiles have sprawling legs (out to the side)
  • All dinosaurs were carnivores (meat eaters)
  • Triceratops had three horns
  • T. rex teeth could be as big as bananas
  • All dinosaurs lived at the same time - FALSE
  • Pterodactyls are dinosaurs - FALSE
  • Dinosaurs had upright legs, other reptiles have sprawling legs (out to the side) - TRUE
  • All dinosaurs were carnivores (meat eaters) - FALSE
  • Triceratops had three horns - TRUE
  • T. rex teeth could be as big as bananas - TRUE

Rhyme Time!

Can you make a dinosaur poem or rap? Here are some words that rhyme to help get you started! Can you think of anymore?

  • Claw and roar
  • Scales and tails
  • Herbivore and dinosaur
  • Courageous and cretaceous
  • Fossil and colossal
  • Extinct and linked
  • Jurassic and fantastic
  • Resource type: video, activity, quiz
  • Theme: Rocks, fossils and dinosaurs