Nature Recording Hub
Discover how to record the wildlife in your urban environment.
A palmate newt, one of the three native UK newt species © Rudmer Zwerver/ Shutterstock
Have you wondered what amphibians are living in and around your local pond or other waterbodies? You might be surprised by the frogs, toads and newts that you can find.
If you'd like to learn how to look for them, we've gathered a selection of amphibian survey methods and identification guides. We have surveys both for beginners, and for those with a little more experience.
Download the full catalogue (PDF 1.4MB), or read the highlights below.
Discover how to record the wildlife in your urban environment.
Download the full list of amphibian surveys and ID guides
Woodland Tust
Report your first sightings of frogspawn, tadpoles and newts each year to help track the impact of climate change and weather on amphibians.
When: approximately January to April
Equipment: None
Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
A comprehensive guide showing you how to survey for amphibians. Includes a species ID guide.
When: The frog and toad survey is done between 1 January and 31 March. The newt survey is done between 1 April and 30 May.
Equipment: Torch, pond net. You will need good amphibian identification skills and some experience of observing amphibians in the field.
A comprehensive guide showing you how to survey for amphibians. Includes a species ID guide.
When: UK amphibians are most active during the breeding season (generally March to May).
Equipment: There are a range of survey methods in this guide which require equipment, including the use of artificial 'egg strips', nets and high powered torches.