Nature Recording Hub
Discover how to record the wildlife in your urban environment.
Grass snake (Natrix natrix) © Hanna Sörensson, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Flickr
Are you fascinated by the UK’s native reptiles? There are six amazing species of snakes and lizards that call this country home.
You can find out more about them in our reptile survey methods and identification guides. We have surveys both for beginners, and for those with a little more experience.
Download the full list (PDF 1.2MB), or read the highlights below.
Discover how to record the wildlife in your urban environment.
Download the full list of reptile surveys and ID guides
Amphibian and Reptile Groups of the UK (ARG) and Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (ARC)
The Record Pool collects data on herpetofauna (reptiles and amphibians) in the UK and makes it available locally and nationally for conservation purposes.
Report your sightings through this website.
An ID guide to reptiles and amphibians and their habitats in urban areas.
Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
Choose a site to survey from the website's map of hectads (10km x 10km squares) which contains at least one area of potential reptile habitat. Plan a survey route and lay artificial cover objects along the route which reptiles will warm up beneath.
Record all the required information on the survey forms provided, and submit records to ARC.
When: Carry out six visits: four between March and June and two between mid-August and October.
Equipment: Some artificial cover objects, such as roofing felt and tin sheets, survey forms, pen. You need to be able to confidently identify the UK's reptile and amphibian species, but training and resources are provided to volunteers.