Nature Recording Hub
Discover how to record the wildlife in your urban environment.
If you want to help track the wildlife in your cityβs green areas, you can use our calendar to find easy surveys that suit your schedule and skill level.
You can join many UK monitoring schemes that welcome your observations. Most of them offer training and guidance for beginners or learners.
Download the full calendar, or browse the highlights below.
Discover how to record the wildlife in your urban environment.
You can download the whole calendar of activities, divided up by month and category.
Nature's Calendar (Woodland Trust)
Record a variety of events in nature to track the impacts of climate change and weather on our wildlife
Living with Mammals (People's Trust for Endangered Species)
Record mammals, and their tracks and signs, you see in urban areas
Garden BirdWatch (British Trust for Ornithology)
Record weekly lists of the birds which visit your garden all year round
Garden Butterfly Survey (Butterfly Conservation)
Submit butterfly records from your garden, community green space, allotment or balcony
The Big Seaweed Search (Natural History Museum/Marine Conservation Society)
Search for 14 seaweed species at any UK seashore, any time of the year
Garden Dragon Watch (Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust)
A quick and easy survey for reptiles in your garden
Bat Conservation Trust
Spend an hour at dusk or dawn looking for bats and other nocturnal wildlife
Duration: April - October
British Trust for Ornithology
Monitor active birds' nests in your garden
Duration: February - September
Freshwater Habitats Trust
Visit each pond in a 1km square in March or April to see if frogs, toads and their spawn are present
Duration: March - April
British Dragonfly Society
Beginners' guide to recording dragonflies
Duration: May - September
Report sightings of swifts and nest sites
Duration: May - July
UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme
Carry out a 10 minute count of the number of pollinators visiting a flower from a list of 14 target flowers
Duration: April - September
Freshwater Habitats Trust
A simple survey which can be done every year to monitor the health of your pond
Duration: May - August
A PDF booklet with guidance for reptile surveys which can be undertaken anywhere with suitable habitat, such as in a garden or allotment
Duration: March - October
British Dragonfly Society
Track the spread of this damselfly across the UK
Duration: July - November
People's Trust for Endangered Species
Assess the structural and habitat quality of hedgerows
Duration: April - October
The Mammal Society
Help survey for harvest mouse nests
Duration: October - March
Spend one hour recording the birds in your garden or local park on a specific weekend
Duration: One weekend in January
The Mammal Society
Help survey for harvest mouse nests
Duration: October - March
Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland
A survey to see what plants are flowering over the New Year
Duration: Four days over the New Year
Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust
Carry out four visits of ponds to look for common frogs, toads and their spawn
Duration: January - April