Our vision is a future where both people and the planet thrive. Hear from scientists studying human impact and working to predict changes to the natural world.
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Latest stories
Ocean temperature rise accelerating as greenhouse gas levels keep rising
The surface of the ocean is warming four times faster than it was 40 years ago.
28 January 2025 -
Science news
Climate change threatens nearly half of all corals with extinction
Rising temperatures are pushing many species to the brink, alongside disease, pollution and unsustainable fishing.
13 November 2024 -
COP29: All you need to know about the upcoming climate change conference
Nations are meeting in Azerbaijan to discuss the future of our changing Earth.
11 November 2024 -
COP16 roundup: The key decisions from the biodiversity summit
While some progress was made, crucial decisions on protecting nature will be left until next year after the meeting ran out of time.
5 November 2024
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Help us monitor the effects of change on Britain's sealife. Explore the seashore and record the living seaweeds you find there.
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Ocean temperature rise accelerating as greenhouse gas levels keep rising
The surface of the ocean is warming four times faster than it was 40 years ago.
28 January 2025 -
Science news
Climate change threatens nearly half of all corals with extinction
Rising temperatures are pushing many species to the brink, alongside disease, pollution and unsustainable fishing.
13 November 2024 -
COP29: All you need to know about the upcoming climate change conference
Nations are meeting in Azerbaijan to discuss the future of our changing Earth.
11 November 2024 -
COP16 roundup: The key decisions from the biodiversity summit
While some progress was made, crucial decisions on protecting nature will be left until next year after the meeting ran out of time.
5 November 2024 -
Ocean conservation: How do we look after the largest environment on Earth?
Discover the importance of the oceans to life on Earth, the problems facing these waters and how to conserve them.
Deaths from climate change-linked wildfires are on the rise globally
The risk of wildfires is rising, and it’s only likely to get worse.
21 October 2024 -
Carbon dioxide removal won’t reverse climate change
Passing 1.5⁰C of warming is a step that cannot easily be undone.
9 October 2024 -
Almost 70% of all plastic waste is produced by just 20 countries
Each year, 52 million tonnes of plastic waste enters the environment.
4 September 2024 -
Science news
Pollution revealed as the greatest threat to healthy soils
Food security and biodiversity are threatened by the chemicals contaminating our soils.
3 September 2024 -
Human population boom will increase contact with wild animals
More and more land will be shared between people and wildlife by 2070.
21 August 2024 -
Rewilding Scottish Highlands could help UK hit 30 by 30 conservation goal
Northern Scotland is among the quarter of Europe that could be suitable for rewilding.
15 August 2024 -
Palm oil: The controversial ingredient that’s in nearly everything
Find out the facts about palm oil and its impact on the health of rainforests.
Science news
New technology protects crops by testing the air for the DNA of plant diseases
Plant infections can now be detected in our crops before they’re even visible.
2 August 2024 -
Science news
North Sea oil rig pollution linked to seafloor biodiversity decline
The North Sea’s oil and gas rigs impact more than the atmosphere.
29 July 2024 -
For the first time, global temperatures above 1.5⁰C limit for an entire year
The past year has been more than 1.5⁰C hotter than it was over than a century ago.
9 July 2024 -
Seaweed farming for sustainable food
Growing food on land can be challenging and costly for the planet. Discover how seaweed farming offers a solution.
A third of surveyed UK bird species have declined since the 1990s
Some of the UK’s most recognisable birds are vanishing before our eyes.
21 May 2024 -
2023 was the northern hemisphere’s hottest summer in 2,000 years
New research suggests that Europe hasn’t had as warm a summer since the time of the Romans.
14 May 2024 -
Governments falling short of protecting the world’s oceans
Protections for the world’s oceans need strengthening, a new report suggests.
9 May 2024 -
Science news
Organic compost and diverse gardens are best for the UK’s earthworms
Making our gardens earthworm friendly could help urban spaces become more resilient.
30 April 2024 -
Future proofing with fungi
From helping us grow our food to tackling our plastic waste problem, fungi can help us achieve a more sustainable future.
Science news
Rising water levels threaten the survival of the lesser flamingo
The lesser flamingo is in danger of losing its feeding and breeding grounds.
12 April 2024 -
Science news
Lack of renewable energy metals could hold up net zero goals
Giving communities a greater say over mining could help to speed up the transition to net zero.
22 February 2024 -
Coral reefs cover more of Earth’s surface than realised, new estimates reveal
Satellite images have revealed a missing 64,000 square kilometres of coral cover, an area similar to the size of Ireland.
13 February 2024 -
Earth has already passed 1.5⁰C of warming, controversial study claims
Has the world already passed a critical level of global warming? A new paper claims so.
5 February 2024 -
Science news
Scientists plan ‘seaweed breakthrough’ to restore threatened species
Seaweeds play a vital role in the modern world, but their existence is under threat.
2 February 2024 -
Ban on sandeel fishing to support UK’s struggling seabirds
The fishing of sandeels in the UK’s portion of the North Sea will be banned from April.
1 February 2024 -
Underground freshwater levels are declining rapidly around the world
Wells, streams and springs are in danger of going dry as we take water out of the ground faster than it can be replaced.
24 January 2024 -
Antarctica’s ozone hole has been growing since 2004
A new study suggests that levels of ozone have declined by as much as 26% over the south pole.
21 November 2023 -
Microplastics are carried in clouds and could be affecting the weather
Microplastics in the atmosphere might encourage the formation of clouds.
15 November 2023 -
Climate change reaching unprecedented levels as records tumble
Earth’s climate is entering “uncharted territory” – and we have no idea what’s coming next.
24 October 2023 -
The world’s last untouched wildernesses are at risk of becoming farmland
The last remaining wildernesses on Earth could be swept away to feed humanity’s growing appetite.
19 October 2023 -
Science news
UK seaweeds face an uncertain future in a warming ocean
Seaweeds are vital for the health of our planet, but we are unaware of just how threatened they might be.
13 October 2023 -
Science news
Loss of tropical pollinators puts chocolate and coffee production at risk
The tropical crops may face an uncertain future amid rising temperatures and habitat loss.
12 October 2023 -
Europe’s bumblebees threatened with extinction as their habitats shrink
Rising temperatures and habitat loss could spell an uncertain future for bumblebees in Europe.
13 September 2023 -
Invasive red fire ants found in Europe for the first time
Red imported fire ants are one of the world’s most damaging invasive species.
11 September 2023 -
British wildlife
Why we should rewild ourselves and the places we live
When we live alongside nature, we end up happier and healthier. We might even end up rewilding ourselves.
Emperor penguin colonies abandoned after ‘unprecedented’ loss of sea ice
The breeding failure of four emperor penguin colonies is a sign of things to come, researchers have warned.
24 August 2023 -
Sperm and bottlenose whales may have learnt to follow trawlers for easy meals
A new study demonstrates the extraordinary ability of whales to develop new ways of feeding.
23 August 2023 -
Rainforest leaves feel the burn of climate change as temperature limit approaches
If the worst case predictions of climate change come to pass, rainforests could be at serious risk.
23 August 2023 -
Artificial reefs in seagrass meadows could help protect against climate change
Artificial reefs attract fish, which can improve the ability of seagrass to lock up more carbon dioxide beneath the waves.
26 July 2023 -
New forests and restoration among proposals for England’s woodlands
A new report offers a path to recover England's woodlands, one that could increase the country's biodiversity from the mid-2040s onwards.
28 June 2023 -
Europe warming twice as fast as other continents
A new climate change report reveals that Europe is heating up fast, but expanded use of renewable energy offers some hope for the future.
26 June 2023 -
World’s longest fence affecting the development of kangaroos
Kangaroos spring up faster when they’re living with their predators.
6 June 2023 -
Endangered chimpanzees contaminated with pesticides and flame retardants
Primate poo is revealing how pollutants are affecting threatened species in the wild.
24 May 2023 -
Lack of methane emissions control threatens climate change action
Over 85% of methane emissions aren't being regulated by governments around the world.
19 May 2023 -
Climate change set to breach 1.5⁰C limit for first time by 2027
The world is rapidly running out of time to halt rising temperatures.
17 May 2023 -
Science news
Scientists weed out harmful genes to breed better potatoes
An unprecedented look at potato genetics could help to tackle world hunger.
11 May 2023 -
Mystery emissions of ozone-damaging gases are fuelling climate change
Levels of some ozone-damaging gases are on the rise, despite a global ban on their production.
3 April 2023 -
Microplastics in seabirds linked with increase in illness-causing bacteria
Microplastics aren't just affecting large animals, they're also affecting microscopic species too.
27 March 2023 -
Biodiversity at risk as development encroaches into 80% of vital habitats
Development in Key Biodiversity Areas poses a risk to the stability and survival of unique ecosystems.
24 March 2023 -
Climate change 'survival guide' finds 1.5⁰C is achievable, but needs urgent action
The latest climate report reveals that the world is more than capable of tackling climate change, but current action simply isn't enough.
20 March 2023 -
Calls for a treaty to tackle space pollution in Earth's orbit
With the number of satellites expected to increase by over six times by 2030, there are calls for a new treaty to curb space pollution.
14 March 2023 -
Welsh island becomes the first Dark Sky Sanctuary in Europe
As light pollution continues to increase around the world, the stars above Ynys Enlli remain much as our ancestors would have seen them.
23 February 2023 -
Increasing light pollution is drowning out the stars
Nights are becoming around 10% lighter each year, which has implications for the health of both humans and wildlife.
19 January 2023 -
Renewable energy and its importance for tackling climate change
Get the facts about sustainable energy.
Science news
Underground wildlife is slow to recover from soil damage
Intensively used land isn't just harmful to biodiversity we can see – it's also harming the wildlife living under the ground.
13 December 2022 -
Indigenous Peoples call for co-operation to conserve the world's biodiversity
Recognising the rights of the world's Indigenous Peoples could be crucial to protecting nature.
9 December 2022 -
Explained: What is the Convention on Biological Diversity, and what does it do?
Nature faces a series of unprecedented threats in the twenty-first century - and the Convention on Biological Diversity sets the stage to help it fight back.
1 December 2022 -
COP27: What to expect from 2022's climate change conference
Demands for climate action are stronger than ever as the world comes together once again to discuss the rapidly warming world.
4 November 2022 -
Dams threaten populations of Australia's duck-billed platypus
Dam building in Australia is reducing gene flow between platypus groups, piling pressure on populations whose numbers are already falling.
3 November 2022 -
World war shipwrecks are leaking pollutants into the world's oceans
Carcinogenic fuel, explosives and chemical weapons are leaking into the seas from sunken naval vessels.
18 October 2022 -
Science news
New way of understanding Earth's ecosystems could help to restore them
The new Global Typology of Ecosystems provides an important step towards characterising the true diversity of life on Earth at its largest scale.
12 October 2022 -
Wax moth caterpillar spit could be used to break down plastic waste
Mass producing the proteins in the saliva could provide a cheap and effective way to break down polyethylene waste.
4 October 2022 -
Science news
Climate change will increase termite activity, releasing more carbon dioxide
Termites could reduce the amount of carbon stored in wood as the world gets hotter and drier.
22 September 2022 -
Net zero is cheaper and greener than continuing the use of fossil fuels
Going green is no longer just the smart decision – it's also the most profitable one.
13 September 2022 -
The cost of carbon dioxide may be four times higher than thought
Carbon dioxide could be being undervalued by over 70% in the USA, making the cost effectiveness of climate action appear much lower than it actually is.
1 September 2022 -
Artificial grass controversy as campaigners call for taxes and bans
Debate over the use of artificial and natural lawns has been rekindled in recent weeks as temperatures surge across the UK.
16 August 2022 -
Science news
Pandemic face masks could harm wildlife for years to come
The protective equipment that kept us safe during from COVID-19 could pose a lethal threat to nature.
4 August 2022 -
40⁰C heatwaves could happen every few years because of climate change
Records for the highest UK temperature have been set three times already in the twenty-first century and could continue to do so as global warming takes its toll.
25 July 2022 -
Risks to human health are increasing because of climate change
The effect of rising global temperatures on human health may require changes in our behaviour, mindset and the spaces we live in.
15 July 2022 -
Drug pollution is threatening the water quality of the world's rivers
Over 40% of the world's rivers could contain harmful levels of pharmaceuticals.
6 July 2022 -
Science news
The solutions to climate change and plastic pollution are linked
Despite vast investment in climate change, much less attention is being paid to plastic pollution - and we need to fight both together.
5 July 2022 -
Climate change report lays out what the UK must do to achieve net zero
The UK is on track to cut just 40% of the emissions required to reach net zero, the country's top climate body has warned.
29 June 2022 -
Saving British bumblebees needs a range of habitats
A new report lays out how we can prioritise the best selection of habitats to give the UK's 24 species of bumblebee a boost.
24 May 2022 -
Demand for exotic pets risks spider and scorpion extinctions
Scientists have called for greater protections for species which are at risk of being collected into extinction.
19 May 2022 -
UK set to miss pledge to protect 30% of territory by 2030
A new report from the British Ecological Society warns the UK needs to change how it looks after biodiverse areas of the country.
25 April 2022 -
Avoiding the worst of climate change is possible if we act now
We have just three years to keep the dream of 1.5⁰C of global warming alive.
4 April 2022 -
Wildfires can damage the ozone layer
As climate change intensifies, a greater number of wildfires will increase the risk from ultraviolet radiation.
26 March 2022 -
Beavers reintroduced to London after 400 years
The reintroduction is another step forward for campaigns to return the aquatic rodent to the UK.
17 March 2022 -
Artificial whale poo could help restore ocean biodiversity
While it could provide a useful stopgap, there is no guarantee the technique, or whales, will ever fully restore what has been lost.
9 March 2022 -
Treaty to end plastic pollution moves a step closer
175 countries voted to start preparations for a new treaty aimed at regulating and controlling plastics last week.
8 March 2022 -
New climate change report shows that 'nature can be our saviour'
The second IPCC report is looking at the effects of climate change on extreme weather, floods and temperature rises.
28 February 2022 -
Reintroducing large mammals could restore the world's ecosystems
Just 20 large mammals, including beavers, bears and bison, could bring back communities across a quarter of the planet.
17 February 2022 -
Science news
Nanofoam discovered in pollen could power cars and save lives
Structures inspired by pollen could make electric car batteries cheaper and more efficient.
9 February 2022 -
Crocodiles prefer aquatic meals after toxic toad invasion
Scientists believe that the behavioural change may help the reptiles wash away poison from the cane toad, an amphibian which has decimated Australian biodiversity.
26 January 2022 -
Bees, butterflies and moths 'confused' by air pollution
Air pollutants such as nitrogen oxides can cause as much as a 90% decline in pollinator visits to flowers.
24 January 2022 -
UK must adapt to climate change now, report warns
The UK faces more deaths, higher costs and greater disruption if preparations to adapt to climate change aren't taken now, the government's climate advisors have warned.
18 January 2022 -
The last eight years have been the hottest on record
2021 is tied as the sixth hottest year on record
14 January 2022 -
The conservation success stories of 2021
Scientists, activists and members of the public fought to ensure that 2021 won't be remembered as all bad for conservation.
29 December 2021 -
Mind-controlling fungus could cause more crop damage in warmer climates
The combination of a common fungal disease with climate change on ladybirds could cause aphids to become more of a problem.
26 November 2021 -
COP26: the second week's headlines
Here's a roundup of the important announcements that have been made at COP26 over the past week amid plenty of promises but also harsh reality checks.
12 November 2021 -
COP26: the first week's headlines
Read a summary of the major headlines coming out of the climate summit.
5 November 2021 -
COP26: this week's headlines
With COP26 starting in just a few days time, here's a roundup of the key headlines ahead of the upcoming climate summit.
29 October 2021 -
Extreme heat and flooding risk in London due to climate change
Thousands of homes, schools and hospitals in London are at risk from climate change, the Mayor of London has said.
23 September 2021 -
Bag your next sustainable fashion haul on a budget
Eco-fashion can seem expensive and overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. Here are nine ways to forget fast fashion and shop sustainable instead.
How to make a worm composter
Turn your kitchen food scraps into fantastic fertiliser by making a wormery.
The future of eating: how genetically modified food will withstand climate change
Future farmers face a big challenge: feeding everyone on Earth while being kind to the planet. Could genetically modified food be the answer?
Will the ocean really be dead in 50 years?
The oceans are facing down three huge threats: overfishing, pollution and climate change.
Sugar: a killer crop?
The world's sugar addiction is destroying tropical rainforest.