Take flight
Get to know our beaked buddies better away from our busy daytime crowds at one of our accessible morning visits designed specifically for our disabled and neurodiverse visitors.
10.00–11.00 every third Wednesday and Saturday
29 May–14 December 2024
With fewer people, careful lighting and low-noise levels, our morning visits are the perfect opportunity to see our exhibition Birds: Brilliant and Bizarre in a more relaxed setting.
See if you have the stomach to sniff a stinky seabird egg and say hello the wonderchicken – the oldest modern bird in the world. Discover what a pigeon has in common with a ferocious T. rex and find out how these winged wonders survived the mass extinction that wiped out all the other dinosaurs.
Today there’s more than 11,000 species of bird. From pigeons to penguins, ostriches to ospreys, birds live on every single continent on Earth, so what’s the secret to their success? From sucking blood to bathing in acid, they’ve found surprising, clever and downright freaky ways to survive.
But the way we live our lives is beginning to affect how they live theirs. As the effects of a changing world come home to roost, can we find a way to take them under our wing and create a future where they can soar once more?