Mr Geoff Martin

Mr Geoff Martin

Senior Curator in Charge, Lepidoptera

Department: Life Sciences
Division: LS Insects Division
Specialisms: Lepidoptera; British & Irish Lepidoptera collections, collectors and localities; Collections Management; Curation; Digitisation; Collection relocation logistics; Fieldwork logistics


Responsible for the management of the Lepidoptera collections (80,000 drawers, 10 million+ specimens) including management of five curators.



  • BSc (Hons), Ecology, University College London, United Kingdom
  • MA Museum Studies, University College London, United Kingdom

Highlighted publications

  • Paterson GLJ, Albuquerque S, Blagoderov V, Brooks S, Cafferty S, Cane E, Carter V, Chainey J, Crowther R, Douglas L, Durant J, Duffle L, Hine A, Honey M, Huertas B, Howard T, Huxley R, Kitching IJ, Ledger S, McLaughlin C, Martin G, Mazzetta G, Penn M, Perera J, Sadka M, Scialabba E, Siebert D, Sleep C, Toloni F, Wing P (2016) iCollections. doi: 10.5519/0038559
  • Timmermans MJTN, Viberg C, Martin G, Hopkins K, Vogler AP (2016) Rapid assembly of taxonomically validated mitochondrial genomes from historical insect collections. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, (1) Oxford University Press (OUP) : 83 - 95. doi: 10.1111/bij.12552
  • Martin G (2015) Des Lépidoptères aux Oiseaux, une multitude de formes et de couleurs. Namoroka : Mission à Madagascar. Allorge L, Haevermans T (Eds).Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle- Privat (Collection Nature et Patrimoine) : null - null.
  • Paterson G, Albuquerque S, Blagoderov V, Brooks S, Cafferty S, Cane E, Carter V, Chainey J, Crowther R, Douglas L, Durant J, Duffell L, Hine A, Honey M, Huertas B, Howard T, Huxley R, Kitching I, Ledger S, McLaughlin C, Martin G, Mazzetta G, Penn M, Perera J, Sadka M, Scialabba E, Self A, Siebert D, Sleep C, Toloni F, Wing P iCollections – Digitising the British and Irish Butterflies in the Natural History Museum, London. Biodiversity Data Journal, Pensoft Publishers : e9559 - e9559. doi: 10.3897/bdj.4.e9559