Dr Joel Davis

Dr Joel Davis

Department: Earth Sciences
Division: ES Mineral and Planetary Sciences Division
I am a planetary geologist current based at the Natural History Museum in London, where I am a Research Fellow. My work mostly focuses on understanding the ancient geology and modern surfaces on Mars. I previously completed both my PhD in planetary geology and my MSci in geology at University College London. I have been involved in the characterisation of both the ExoMars and NASA 2020 rover landing sites and am a member of the ExoMars PanCam and TGO CaSSIS science teams.
  • PhD Geology, University College London, United Kingdom, 2013 - 2017
  • MSci Earth Sciences, University College London, United Kingdom, 2009 - 2013
  • Post Doctoral Research Assistant, Natural History Museum, United Kingdom, 2017 - 2020