Mr Len Ellis
Senior Curator, Bryophytes
Department: Life Sciences
Division: LS Algae, Fungi and Plants Division
- Phone: 020 7942 5150
Career1980 – Present: Curation of bryophytes (Bryophyte Herbarium, NHM)(grades: Assistant Scientific Officer to Higher Scientific Officer [Band 5] to Science Level 3 (Senior Curator)).1974-1980: Curation of flowering plants (General herbarium, NHM), with special responsibility for Poaceae (grade: Assistant Scientific Officer).Expertise• Collections management of Bryophytes• Identification of bryophytes, with a special interest in tropical collections.• Nomenclature and typification of bryophyte taxa in historic collections.• The taxonomy and nomenclature of the tropical moss family CalymperaceaeProfessional roles1990 – 2007: British Bryological Society: Bibliographer and Member of Council.2009 – on going: British Bryological Society: Column editor (New national and regional bryophyte records) in Journal of Bryology.2013 – on going: British Bryological Society: Nomenclatural Editor for Journal of Bryology.