Mr Ashley King

Mr Ashley King

Future Leader Fellow, UKRI

Department: Earth Sciences
Division: ES Mineral and Planetary Sciences Division


My research aims to understand the formation of the solar system - how it evolved from a cloud of gas and dust to the Sun, planets, asteroids and comets we see today. To achieve this I use a range of analytical techniques to investigate the bulk- to nano-scale mineralogical, chemical and isotopic properties of primitive meteorites and samples returned by spacecraft from asteroids and comets. In particular my interests include extra-solar and solar dust in the proto-planetary disk, low and high temperature alteration of meteorites, and the relationship between meteorites, asteroids and comets.



  • PhD, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
  • MEarthSci, University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Employment history


  • Post-doctoral research assistant, Natural History Museum, United Kingdom, 2012 - ongoing
  • Post-doctoral research assistant, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, 2011 - ongoing
  • Post-doctoral research scholar, University of Chicago, United States, 2010 - ongoing