Mr Mike Rumsey

Mr Mike Rumsey

Department: Earth Sciences
Division: ES Mineral and Planetary Sciences Division
Group: Mineralogy Collections
Specialisms: Curation, Scientific Heritage, Specimen-based Mineralogy, Mineral characterisation, New Minerals, Topographic Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Novel Materials, UK Mineralogy, Powder diffraction, Collection Building,
  • Phone: +44 0207 942 6034
I've been curating geological collections with a specialism in minerals since 1999, in both regional, university and national contexts. After spending 13 years as a 'hands on' curator at the NHM, specialising in the mineralogy, gems and hard rock geology, since 2016 My role has been to lead and build the team of curators, post docs, students and volunteers in the mineral and planetary science collections, We cover meteorites, minerals, gems, petrology, ores, soils, terrestrial analogues, hazardous geological materials and historic apparatus.

My curation duties focus on the development of the mineral collection, both in terms of new objects and the new data/research on all objects. My research specialism is focused around the mineral collection, particulalry the identification and characterisation of new, 'unknown', novel and unusual naturally occurring mineral phases. I have a deep understanding of the systematic mineralogical nomenclature, new minerals and have published extensively on these subject areas.

Where possible I have focused this research on minerals from the UK, with its wide range of topographic mineralogical geodiversity.

I am interested in the applications of mineral sciences across both the scientific and heritage sectors and how collections can be built within (and outside) museums to maximise the relevance of mineral sciences and how to communicate this to the public.

I have extensive experience of a number of Optical, Electron Beam and Diffraction techniques all essential in the characterisation and identification of mineral phases and am highly competent at speaking to the public. For more information on my analytical expertise please contact me directly.
  • M.EarthSci (1st Class), Oxford University, United Kingdom, 1998 - 2002
  • Radiation Protection Supervisor Training, Ionactive Consulting
  • TRansportation of radioactive goods by air, HP Training & Consulting, United Kingdom
  • Visiting Assistant Professor II, Mineralogy, NHM, University of Oslo, University of Oslo, Natural History Museum, Norway, 2024 - ongoing
  • Principal Curator, Minerals and Senior Curator in Charge,, NHM, Earth Sciences, United Kingdom, 2018 - ongoing
  • Senior Curator in Charge, Minerals and Planetary Sciences, Natural History Museum, Earth Sciences, United Kingdom, 2016 - 2018
  • Senior Curator, Minerals, Natural History Museum, Earth Sciences, United Kingdom, 2011 - 2016
  • Curator, Minerals, Natural History Museum, Mineralogy, United Kingdom, 2008 - 2011
  • Junior Curator, Minerals, Natural History Museum, Mineralogy, United Kingdom, 2003 - 2008
  • Assisstant Curator, Minerals (Part Time), Oxford Univerity Museum of Natural History, Geology Department, United Kingdom, 1998 - 2002
  • Grey IE, Brand HEA, Rumsey MS, Gozukara Y (2015) Ultra-flexible framework breathing in response to dehydration in liskeardite, [(Al,Fe)16(AsO4)9(OH)21(H2O)11]·26H2O, a natural open-framework compound. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Elsevier BV : 146 - 152. doi: 10.1016/j.jssc.2015.04.035
  • Robb J, Dillon C, Rumsey MS, Strlic M (2013) Quantitative Assessment of Perceived value of geological collections by ‘experts’ for improved collections management.. The Geological Curator, (10) : 529 - 543.
  • Rumsey MS, Welch MD, Kampf AR, Spratt J (2013) Diegogattaite, Na2CaCu2Si8O20·H2O: a new nanoporous copper sheet silicate from Wessels Mine, Kalahari Manganese Fields, Republic of South Africa. Mineralogical Magazine, (8) Mineralogical Society : 3155 - 3162. doi: 10.1180/minmag.2013.077.8.09
  • Welch MD, Rumsey MS (2013) A new naturally-occurring nanoporous copper sheet–silicate with 6482 cages related to synthetic “CuSH” phases. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Elsevier BV : 260 - 265. doi: 10.1016/j.jssc.2013.04.019
  • Rumsey MS, Mills SJ, Spratt J (2010) Natropharmacoalumite, NaAl4[(OH)4(AsO4)3].4H2O, a new mineral of the pharmacosiderite supergroup and the renaming of aluminopharmacosiderite to pharmacoalumite. Mineralogical Magazine, (5) Mineralogical Society : 929 - 936. doi: 10.1180/minmag.2010.074.5.929