Prof Richard Herrington

Prof Richard Herrington

Department: Earth Sciences
Division: ES Department Management Team
  • Phone: 2079425528
As a researcher, I am investigating the behaviour of metals critical for our modern economy in earth systems. I am specifically focused on those metals concentrated by deep weathering processes in surface systems and have projects focused on looking at cobalt and rare earth metals in particular. Other interests include investigating the links between mineral deposit formation and the earths geodynamic history and the association of mineral deposit formation and biota in the deep ocean. My work involves collaboration with industry and the results of my research provide them with new information enabling better and more sustainable mining techniques to be considered. As current Head of Department I am keen to develop our staff and collections whilst facilitating our diverse science programme in line with the Science Strategy of the NHM.
  • BSc, Imperial College, United Kingdom
  • PhD, Imperial College, United Kingdom
  • Head of Earth Sciences, Natural History Museum, United Kingdom, 2013 - ongoing
  • Visiting Professor, Imperial College, Earth Science and Engineering, United Kingdom, 2011 - ongoing
  • Visiting Professor, University of Exeter, Camborne School of Mines, United Kingdom, 2010 - ongoing
  • Merit researcher, Natural History Museum, Earth Sciences, United Kingdom, 2009 - ongoing
  • Researcher, Natural History Museum, Mineralogy, United Kingdom, 1991 - 2009
  • Exploration Geologist, Cominco Ltd, 1980 - 1987
  • Herrington RJ, Plotinskaya OY, Maslennikov VV, Tessalina SG (2017) An overview of mineral deposits in the Urals: A special issue of Ore Geology Reviews. Ore Geology Reviews 85, 1 - 3. doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.12.016
  • Williamson BJ, Herrington RJ, Morris A (2016) Porphyry copper enrichment linked to excess aluminium in plagioclase. Nature Geoscience 9, 237 - 241. doi: 10.1038/ngeo2651
  • Herrington R (2013) Road map to mineral supply. Nature Geoscience 6, 892 - 894. doi: 10.1038/ngeo1947
  • Thorne RL, Roberts S, Herrington R (2012) Climate change and the formation of nickel laterite deposits. Geology 40, 331 - 334. doi: 10.1130/g32549.1
  • Herrington RJ, Scotney PM, Roberts S, Boyce AJ, Harrison D (2011) Temporal association of arc–continent collision, progressive magma contamination in arc volcanism and formation of gold-rich massive sulphide deposits on Wetar Island (Banda arc). Gondwana Research 19, 583 - 593. doi: 10.1016/
  • Thorne R, Herrington R, Roberts S (2009) Composition and origin of the Çaldağ oxide nickel laterite, W. Turkey. Mineralium Deposita 44, 581 - 595. doi: 10.1007/s00126-009-0234-6
  • Brown D, Spadea P, Puchkov V, Alvarez-Marron J, Herrington R, Willner AP, Hetzel R, Gorozhanina Y, Juhlin C (2006) Arc–continent collision in the Southern Urals. Earth-Science Reviews 79, 261 - 287. doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2006.08.003
  • HERRINGTON RJ, Zaykov VV, Maslennikov VV, Brown D, Puchkov VN (2005) Mineral deposits of the Urals and Links to Geodynamic Evolution. Economic Geology One Hundredth Anniversary Volume, 1905-2005. (ed) Hedenquist et al.,, 1069 - 1095.
  • Herrington R, Maslennikov V, Zaykov V, Seravkin I, Kosarev A, Buschmann B, Orgeval J-J, Holland N, Tesalina S, Nimis P, Armstrong R (2005) 6: Classification of VMS deposits: Lessons from the South Uralides. Ore Geology Reviews 27, 203 - 237. doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2005.07.014
  • Gleeson SA (2004) The Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Cerro Matoso S.A. Ni Laterite Deposit, Montelibano, Colombia. Economic Geology 99, 1197 - 1213. doi: 10.2113/99.6.1197
  • LITTLE CTS, DANELIAN T, HERRINGTON RJ, HAYMON RM (2004) EARLY JURASSIC HYDROTHERMAL VENT COMMUNITY FROM THE FRANCISCAN COMPLEX, CALIFORNIA. Journal of Paleontology 78, 542 - 559. doi: 10.1666/0022-3360(2004)078<0542:ejhvcf>;2