The Centre for Russian and Central EurAsian Mineral Studies (CERCAMS)


Project summary

  • Focus: the geodynamics and metallogenesis of the former Soviet Union and its neighbouring territories

The Centre for Russian and Central EurAsian Mineral Studies (CERCAMS) is a centre for research on the geodynamics and metallogenesis of the former Soviet Union and its neighbouring territories, including China and Mongolia.

Central Asia, Russia and adjacent areas contain vast mineral wealth. In Soviet times many organisations conducted research into and exploration of these resources.


With the active collaboration of academic institutes in the region, we aim to enhance and supplement the existing knowledge and skills base of researchers/scientists in the former Soviet Union and its neighbouring territories.

  • collate this data and share it with the academic community
  • develop state-of-the-art research in metallogenesis and geodynamics of the former Soviet Union and its adjacent territories
  • serve as a communication node between academic researchers and the mining industry


CERCAMS is based at the Museum because:

  • the Museum is a neutral venue, readily accessible to the international community
  • our researchers are involved in a number of collaborative research projects across the region
  • we have a track record in providing grant-funded training and analytical expertise to visiting researchers from the former Soviet Union
  • delivering bespoke training and capacity building


CERCAMS has developed a variety of commercial products. These by-products of our research include high-quality GIS layers and supporting data.

We produce a range of printed products including:

  • English language reference field guides
  • special publications and monographs
  • metallogenic and geodynamic maps
  • translations of local language texts

We have also developed a comprehensive atlas covering the central part of the Eurasian lithospheric plate. Further information about the atlas can be found in this Mining Journal article PDF (17KB).

To order CERCAMS products please download, complete and post/submit the following forms:

We are exploring new sources of food, predicting the spread of disease and finding scarce elements

The collection contains over 15,000 specimens and is a valuable resource for the field of economic geology