Deep Sea ID: an app from the World Register of Deep-Sea Species

Glowing sucker octopus

Project summary

We are part of the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), and we contribute to the World Register of Deep-Sea Species (WoRDSS).

WoRDSS is an internet database of taxonomic information on marine species that launched in December 2012.

We have now created an app, Deep-Sea ID, to work alongside WoRDSS. Deep-Sea ID gives offline access to information on more than 25,000 deep-sea species and a collection of more than 350 high-resolution images.

Deep-Sea ID was the first app developed by the Museum's Science Group, and has been downloaded over 30,000 times.

Watch the Deep Sea ID app in action

Our scientists are investigating the taxonomy, systematics and biodiversity of groups of invertebrates.

Our zoology collection has 29 million animal specimens and is rich in voucher, type and historical specimens.