Research on reef corals and coral reefs

A selection of fossil corals from Indonesia
Project summary
- Focus: Studying fossil corals to understand the effect of past environmental changes on the animals and help predict their response to ongoing and future changes
We are studying fossil corals to understand the biological consequences of past environmental changes.
This will help us predict how reef systems might respond to ongoing and future environmental changes.
Coral reefs are among the most diverse and productive ecosystems on Earth. They are threatened worldwide by human activity and have recently faced unprecedented environmental changes. There is, however, evidence in the fossil record of reef systems facing rapid environmental change in the past.
We are able to study past examples of rapid change from many time periods and regions. Together they show how ancient reef systems responded to various types of environmental change.
Caribbean coral reefs
The Caribbean Basin has experienced several periods of accelerated environmental change during the past 30 million years. We are using these periods of change as case studies to investigate how reef biotas respond to regional changes.
We have analysed a large number of fossil corals using an up-to-date taxonomic framework and new interpretations of the region's geology.
Our analysis indicates that after the Eocene extensive development of coral reefs in the Caribbean was limited to two intervals of the Cenozoic: the Late Oligocene and Quaternary. A long period without significant reef development interrupted these episodes of large-scale construction.
Historical records of human impact
There is widespread agreement that human activity is threatening coral reefs around the world. But ecologists who study modern reefs lack the long-term data required to distinguish natural variability from anthropogenic change. This means that they cannot easily link many of the observed changes to human activities.
We are studying sediments and fossils from cores extracted from reefs to document the historic natural variability in these reefs.
Other projects include:
Museum staff
- Dr Ken Johnson
- Nadia Santodomingo
- Emanuela Di Martino
- Dr Jon Todd
- Dr Brian Rosen
- Jill Darrell
External collabaorators
- Prof Chris Perry
University of Exeter - Dr Ronan Roche
Bangor University - Dr Willem Renema
Naturalis Biodiversity Center - Prof Ann Budd
University of Iowa - Dr Erica Hendy
University of Bristol

Discovery, origins and evolution
We study the Earth's origins and environment, and the evolution of life.

Invertebrate and plant palaeobiology research
We are investigating the origins and evolution of these diverse fossil groups

Palaeontology collections
The geographic, stratigraphic and historical coverage of fossils in the collection make it globally important