CHNS elemental analysis

The Vario EL cube CHNS elemental analyser

In CHNS elemental analysis, solid samples are combusted and the resulting oxides of carbon, hydrogen and sulphur along with nitrogen are analysed sequentially.

How it works

  • Solid samples are combusted in a furnace operating at temperatures exceeding 1200°C in an atmosphere of oxygen
  • Nitrogen is analysed directly and the resulting oxides of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and sulphur (S) are trapped on columns within the instrument and then liberated for analysis at different times
  • The Vario EL cube is equipped with an infra-red detector to detect low levels of sulphur down to 0.01% under optimal conditions
  • Run times vary dependent on concentrations within the sample, but can be a little as a few minutes.
  • Sample sizes can vary from < 1mg up to 100 mg


Danielle Fuller