by Martin Angel, Kasia Blachowiak-Samolyk and Vladimir Chavtur
Planktonic ostracods are a neglected component of mesoplanktonic communities, despite being almost ubiquitous throughout the world’s oceans. Currently 209 species of halocyprid and 8 myodocopid ostracods have been described from oceanic waters. In addition there are 34 species of the family Thaumatocyprididae, which are predominantly either benthic or cavernicolous.
This site only considers only the holoplanktonic oceanic species and does not deal with any of the neritic and meroplanktonic species.
An introduction to the ostracod species found in the Atlantic Ocean and the environments in which they are found.
Learn more about Atlantic ostracods by using the Atlas.
Find out more about the taxonomy and anatomy of the most prolific ostracods in the Atlantic Ocean
More about the authors of the Atlas of Atlanic Ostracods
The authors would like to acknowledge contribution others have made to this project.