This production of this atlas was made possible by exchange research fellowships awarded to the two authors by The Royal Society London and the Polish Academy of Sciences. OBIS (Ocean Biogeographic Information Service) provided the funding with which we finalized the website.
We are particularly indebted to Monika Kedra who plotted the maps. Professor Jan-Marcin Weslawski Institute of Oceanology, Sopot, Professor Peter Birkhill, Southampton Oceanography Centre and Dr Geoff Boxshall, Natural History Museum, London who gave us considerable encouragement and support. Professor Russ Hopcroft and Cheryl Hopcroft (University of Alaska, Fairbanks) provided several of the photographs of live specimens, which were photgraphed on two CMarZ cruises (Census of Marine Zooplankton). The participation by two of the authors (MVA, K.B-S) in these CMarZ cruises, lead to several improvements in this atlas, and several novel species collected on these cruises will be added to the website later.
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